The Whisky Grew Sweeter
From the E-book 'Road to Flamingo Flat'
The Whisky Grew Sweeter
At the outset of World War Two, young men from the New Zealand high
country heeded the call to arms. Tying
up their dogs, they swapped their hill stick for a rifle and a canteen. In doing their bit for King and country
those men left their high country employers with a void that they were going to
find difficult to fill.
Unfortunately, many of those young men would never return, of those
who did, many ventured into city life.
For others however, the love of the outdoor life lay deep in their
Many of those young men, on their return, were assisted back onto
the land by way of a government grant. Nevertheless, that acute shortage of
skilled musterers and shepherds continued for the duration and well beyond the
term of the war.
One of those farmers, who managed a high country station, was only
one of many who found it difficult to employ good men with dogs during those
war years. On one particular occasion and in desperation, this farmer is said
to have hit on an ingenious plan.
To muster his wethers off the range, he offered the job to a group
of boy scouts. Partly filling old
golden syrup tins with stones, he pointed each of these young blokes, tin in
hand, to their allotted beat.
Assuming a suitable distance apart, the scouts commenced rattling
their tins. With a noise that would
have scared the living daylights out of the most stubborn of sheep, those
youngsters drifted across the hill face.
At the conclusion of a highly successful muster the delighted cocky
was overheard to remark, tongue in cheek.
“That’s the best damn muster I’ve had on that block, we lost a
couple of scouts, but we brought in all the wethers!”
In early 1946, two high country neighbours began bouncing ideas
around, both concurring that the war years had partly destroyed a mustering
They set about seeking ways of rejuvenating that mustering skill and
attracting it back into the High Country.
They hit on the idea of a dog trial. While proposed primarily as a social event, the trials were to
have a couple of objectives.
- To encourage and recognize mustering skills
and good dogs.
2. To attract musterers
back into the high country.
Such an event would be open to those past and present musterers and
shepherds who worked on the sheep stations within the Ashburton Gorge.
As a result of those two founding members enthusiasm, the inaugural
dog trial meeting was held at Hakatere Station, on the 25th May
From that meeting, guidelines for the proposed event were thrashed
out, two of which were:
To fund a dog trial each year, it was
generally agreed to levy each run-holder to the tune of ten shillings per
thousand sheep.
First prize the equivalent of fourteen
pounds, a month’s wages.
Eleven competitors took the field on the initial dog trail on the 12th
June. 1946.
With the services of an official judge, first, second and third were
finally selected from the day’s contenders.
Two contestants were also honoured with titles of the youngest and the
oldest competitors of the day.
So successful was that first dog trial, plans were made to continue
it during the following years. That
first event not only established a unique camaraderie among those high country
stockmen, but it demonstrated what a huge appetite these men had.
For the next thirty-five years the local branch of the Red Cross
provided lunch.
They say a menu, much of it donated by the run-holders, consisted of
wild mutton, mashed potatoes, mashed swede, beetroot and home made pickles.
That fare remained unchanged for the whole period.
Desert, was stewed apple under a slab of pastry, covered with a
mountain of whipped cream.
Not to be abandoned, those sheepdogs, the real stars of that
show. Well, they received a drink of
water and a lie down in the shade.
Around 1950, a Silver Billy, designed and manufactured identical to
the billy favoured by musterers on the beat, was offered as first prize. That billy would continue to be vigorously
contested in the years to come.
As part of the first presentation ceremony, the winner was
encouraged to fill the billy with whisky, passing it round the cook-shop, long
after the event had finished.
As the whisky grew sweeter and the beer keg became lighter, to the
accompaniment of one local character, whose fingers deftly caressed the keys of
his favourite piano-accordion, re-runs of the day’s event began to take
Stories were told of those dogs performing legendary feats. In a matter of hours the cook-shop was rife
with stories, where the dogs had pitted their unique skills against the wily
sheep, on a hill face that had miraculously became almost perpendicular.
As the night wore on, stories became more and more bizarre, telling
of bionic musterers scaling those slippery slopes, pitting their skills against
gigantic sheep recently drenched with Ivomec.
They declared that particular drench increased their speed and agility.
Then there were the yarns, where everyone was trying to outdo the
One old hand told his story of the two dogs who spent a day at the
local agricultural show.
One dog was a Pomeranian bitch called Bow. She was done up like a dogs dinner especially for the day, with a
nice red ribbon around her neck and a cheeky little bow on her topknot. The other was a male fox terrier-cross
called Tom, with a dirty shaggy coat, a scarred nose and a gammy leg.
Both these animals agreed they would meet at the gate after the
show, to exchange their experiences.
As agreed, they duly met at the gate. The Pomeranian went first,
saying she had a wonderful time. She
preened as she told of the judges awarding her first prize, a second prize and
a highly commended.
“How did you go?” She asked.
“Were you a good boy Tommy?”
“Aw, shucks, Bow.” Old Tom smiled, his mouth open, his tongue
hanging out and panting from sheer exhaustion.
“I had a couple of sexual connections. Had three fights. And now Bow,
I’m buggered, but highly delighted.”
The crowd erupted into song.
Space became a premium in the cook-shop as supper tables,
unceremoniously laden with a banquet of sandwiches appeared, some dry, some
moist and some curled at the edges. However, all had one filling in
common. Cold mutton.
To top off the evening, one bright spark suggested a midnight run
down to a corner of the road, almost a kilometre for the jaunt.
Older and wiser contestants, legs jellified by the over indulgence
of liquid refreshment, waited in ambush along the roadside verges, to join the
leading bunch on their return.
After a sprint that could have made Usain Bolt envious, the bunch
collapsed in the cookhouse door.
Chests heaving, tortured lungs wheezing. They begged for another
As the years progressed, the event developed to accommodate not only
the young men, but also to take into account the greater involvement of those
women, who loved to work on the land and compete alongside their men.
By the 1970’s and 80’s, the event became a family affair, held in
picnic mode during the late summer or early autumn. A family day offered the dog trials as a more sedate event, with
barbecues and a more modest round of ale.
Concluding the day’s festivities, the midnight run was replaced with
an afternoon jog from the woolshed to the slipping pens,
Then as the shadows lengthen and the day gradually came to a close,
the whole family dined on a lavish homemade banquet, including mutton chops,
along with sausages off the barbecue.
As old acquaintances are renewed, past times are golden for those
aging musterers.
With nostalgia in their hearts, they take one last look at that
famous hill and marvel at their feat, or was it their stupidity in youth,
sprinting to the top of that famous hill.
Many will pay tribute to those two men who inspired this event in
the beginning, all those years ago. Without their faith and persistence, the
Ashburton Gorge would be a less colourful place today.
Whatever these families do during the months ahead is anybody’s
guess, but come hell or high water, every effort will be made to train another
pup and have the absolute desire of returning to the Gorge the following year,
their hearts once again set on winning that coveted silver cup.
I hope this little story brings back fond memories to some.
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